
You know you want “more” in your life! In order to get that, you need to make changes in how you manage your choices to bring new results. Not always knowing what those changes will be or how they will affect you can be uncomfortable. It is quite possible to want financial success and still be afraid of going after it and achieving it.

You may feel like you do not have all the right tools – you may not be confident that you can handle money, make a budget or manage your assets. Many people feel this way! Here’s a thought: just being rich is not a destination.

SUCCESS consists of three things:
• Know what is available to you
• Know what you want
• Know what the next step is once you are successful

Success is not a destination. Each of us has our unique perspective and vision of what success means to us. What is your image of success? Can you visualize yourself in a prosperous place in life? Define what is most important to you for the next year. If you can see it, you stand a much better chance of creating it.

Some people value a good steady job as a sign of success; others may value more time with family, a big annual vacation, a new car for their spouse or saving to purchase a home. As you state what is important, you will be more aware of your daily activities and begin to focus your attention on actions that will make your goals materialize. 

Pursuing a new path toward financial success can create unexpected reactions and results: you may get some pushback from friends, coworkers or family members. That is okay! You are not staying in the same comfortable path. You are evolving toward a new direction, and that can make others uneasy.

You may also have some old habits or thoughts that pop up; these emotional reactions (roadblocks) that pinch your money nerve will test you. Don’t worry, these barriers are temporary. Think of them as new opportunities to stay focused on your goals. There is usually a detour to get you where you want to go.

As you become aware of what pinches your money nerve, you may need to develop contingency plans to stay on your path. Others could attempt to derail you or mold you back into the person they want you to be. With a sharp long-term focus, other people’s opinions have less power, you have the ability to be more “in the moment” in your daily life and can be more flexible as new possibilities arise.

Having a clear vision of what is important and keeping your focus on that goal often leads to strategic decisions, more doors opening, and a mindset of financial freedom based on conscious choices. Harness that positive energy. You will discover that the positive energy of your life increases and rebounds back to you, manifesting a more abundant life.

I hope your week is rewarding and full of confident energy!
