
As you identify where your “Money Nerve” is being pinched and start finding new avenues for change, one of the best ways to track your progress is to start a journal. A journal gives you a good sense of where you are and it will assist you to focus on goals for the future.

Sometimes a journey or a goal can comprise six, eight, or ten steps – and they are not always visible at first. We tend to make judgments based on a snapshot of our life. We may not take into consideration our past history or the full potential for our future.

Stop thinking that you are only as much as can be seen in a snapshot. You are not limited to the current state of your life. Think about your ambition, dreams, luck, or love. You are so much more than your current situation. You’re ready to change when you realize that you’re not comfortable with your current reality.

Allow yourself to dream boldly! As you begin taking action based on your journal notes, you may find it’s easier to reach big dreams with smaller, more manageable steps. Reward yourself for each small success; you’ll find it’s easier to stay energized and focused on your long-term goals.

By investing a few moments of your time in the physical act of thinking and doing, you give yourself a powerful tool to initiate change. You may have jotted down a few dreams last week. Now let’s take a few moments to ask some questions.

These questions and your answers will jumpstart your action plan.
1. What do you secretly feel about money? About rich people? Can you envision yourself with wealth?
2. Write down three things (particular words or statements) you have said about money, your budget or some of your purchases in the last week.
3. Do you still hold the same beliefs about money that you did as a child? Are these your beliefs or your parents’ beliefs?
4. Do these beliefs about money still hold true for you?
5. How would you describe to your 20-year-old self what “the truth about money” is today?

Create a journal to start recording your thoughts, obstacles you hit and what successes (large or small) you achieve each week. You can purchase a spiral notebook or a leather-bound journal – it doesn’t matter. Choose whatever motivates you to chronicle your thoughts and help you define your goals.

Your journal becomes your roadmap for an abundant life!
Have a great week – Bob