
Visualize success. Professor of Psychology Dr. Robert Rosenthal has studied the effect of self-fulfilling prophecies for more than 50 years, researching nonverbal responses between people, studying behaviors that change based on how teachers view students, and documenting lab animals rising to researcher’s expectations.

His findings? An encouraging attitude can cause people to rise up to another person’s higher level of expectation.

Let’s apply that on a personal level. How often do we create negative expectations in our mind – then when things go exactly as we feared, we feel validated that we were right? For example, imagine you are walking along a sidewalk and a group of teenage boys approaches you. The four young men are laughing and talking, but you feel they will ignore you and force you to step off the sidewalk as they pass by. And they probably will – based on your expectation and body cues. On the other hand, you may decide to greet them and smile, expecting they will shift to one side of the sidewalk, and again, you are right – it’s a friendly encounter as you pass by.

If visualizing a scenario in advance can become a self-fulfilling prophecy, let’s start using positive visualization to make our lives more abundant each and every day!

Buddha stated more than 2500 years ago: “We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts we make the world.”

Set your intentions and visualize your future by writing down and verbalizing daily affirmations like, “I deserve the abundance in life,” or “Today I will be open to new possibilities and take action.” By creating a state of spiritual abundance, you open yourself up to the generous flow of life and embrace all possibilities that come your way.


Let go of past mistakes or bad habits and visualize your goals. Now you can move forward, making conscious choices that result in positive actions. Believe in yourself.  This fresh approach to making decisions will benefit your financial choices as well. Your goal is set and daily consistent actions will result in better money management with a higher level of financial peace.

Stay Mindful!
