

Do you know an “unsung hero?” Someone who does good things for others without asking for praise or recognition? Often these are people who have made “things” happen or quietly prove that one person can make a difference for many. There are many facets in life, love,...


Gratefulness – also defined as being thankful, appreciative or gratitude – can be a powerful tool for living a meaningful life. Psychology Today states, “Gratitude is an emotion expressing appreciation for what one has – as opposed to, for example, a consumer-driven...

Facing Financial Fears

83% of Americans have at least one financial fear that keeps them up at night. And not surprising, almost a third worry about retirement and healthcare costs. Most people would rather ignore their nagging concerns and continue suffering in a familiar pattern rather...


Here are some tools to help you determine where you are financially. Learn what your credit score is, plan how much money you want place in your savings account and start a budget for all the important things in life. Getting ready to buy a house? While it is always...

Focus on Your Future

Have you ever heard Aesop’s fable about the grasshopper and the ant? The grasshopper loved hopping about and singing during the warm summer. One day he saw an ant working hard to move an ear of corn and cried out, “Why in the world are you collecting food on this...

Does Money Solve Everything?

Do you use money to “solve” problems or to make people like you more? My grandparents gave my family so much! They provided TVs, stereos, a vehicle when we turned sixteen – and we loved being spoiled by them. When I was a young adult and my grandparents needed some...