Ready To Invest: Start Today

Ready To Invest: Start Today

Before you start diving into investments, let’s look a few ways to be smart with your money. What is investing? Investing is actually pretty simple; you are essentially putting your money to work for you so that you don’t have to take a second job or work...

Powerful Change: Fake It Until You Become It!

Do you always accept circumstances as they appear to be?  When you resign yourself and take everything at face value, you leave many doors with better or different options shut. By opening your mind, investigating new ideas, finding new ways to tackle a challenge...

Facing Your Financial Fears

We all have money habits ingrained in our lives, yet many of us are afraid of facing financial fears. Financial fear is often caused by emotional response that we unconsciously carry with us, and facing your financial fear is the first step to eliminating stress and...
It’s Your Dream, Ask For It

It’s Your Dream, Ask For It

Adding a Deadline to a Dream Creates Goals Remember as you dream that it’s your life and your goals. Dreams have the power to become goals, and effectively change a vision into reality. Remember your vision is not your mother’s list, society’s list or your child’s...

Does Money Buy True Love?

My grandparents gave my family so much! We knew they loved us best! We were their only grandchildren. Their money bought TVs, stereos, a vehicle when we turned sixteen – and we loved being spoiled by them. But as children, we never thought to ask “does money buy...
Time Value of Money

Time Value of Money

Today’s guest post is by Gary Forman, founder of the Dollar Stretcher newsletter and website. One of his clients asked Gary: “Does anyone think that $20,000 will buy a new car forty years from today? Maybe it’s time for an article on the time value...