
Financial concerns can be overwhelming    especially if your friends and family all seem to be doing well.

Ignoring the issue may feel like the  easiest solution, but in reality, when you ignore problems, they can become larger-than-life and multiply. You may feel you have no control and    can’t make a difference. It is easy to slip into a “victim” mode and feel you have no power to change your situation.

When people allow their debt to control their lives, it is easy to fall into a financial depression. That leads some to consider suicide because they are ashamed or feel that family members would be better off. Not true! Statistics show that a suicide directly impacts at least six people and often leaves family members in far worse condition emotionally and financially.

According to the Mayo Clinic, anxiety and depression can lead to serious problems like:
• Headaches, weight gain, digestive problems and other physical problems
• Insomnia or sleeping too much
• Alcohol or substance abuse
• Nervousness and panic disorders
• Conflicts at work and home

Financial coaches can share that burden with you: by facing the problem together, reviewing your bills and making plans to tackle your financial challenges – you can change your mental perspective. You now take control and begin to make small successful steps in resolving and defining what needs to be done.

Admitting there is a problem can provide the first glimmer of hope for many. It is smart to reach out for professional help. Do your research and find a non-profit organization with a focus on your needs, not making a profit for their business.

The National Foundation for Credit Counseling, a non-profit founded in 1951, provides numerous money management services and educational programs, assisting millions of people to set a firm foundation for successful and long-term financial results.

Finding a trained professional that can assist you or a family member in prioritizing the debt and providing sound advice can create a more healthy relationship with money.

You are not alone!