
Studies have documented that a negative mindset can make people more susceptible to addiction, lack of focus, health problems or perceived health problems. Learning new ways to cope and overcome negative factors can actually help you live longer and stronger.

Another form of negative thinking that can hold you back is often based on emotions, such as feeling alone in the world or being jealous of those who have more. When self-doubt, fear or anger becomes the basis for making decisions, it can create a downward spiral of poor choices.

In fact, negative thinking can have a very real and damaging impact on your health and your life! There is no magic pill for this, but it is possible to turn things around. I am a big proponent of stillness and writing thoughts down. Make a list of everything bad in your life and everything good in your life. Now begin to focus on the positive aspects of your life and spend some time thinking about how you could enhance or increase them.

By directing your negative energy toward positive actions and constructive thinking, you take away the power of the negative and can channel your thoughts toward a new direction. Just as you might work out your large muscles, you are now working your mental muscles and building strength to pursue an abundant life. As you increase your mental control, you may decide to expand your list of positive actions by setting intentions for your future success.

It will take some effort. One of the ways to begin training your mind is to be more aware of your day-to-day thinking patterns. If a family member or work colleague hurts your feelings – STOP before you fall into an old, habitual response. Explore your feelings and decide if that old habit is still working for you. You may find it’s time to let go of your reactive response and craft a new way of dealing with challenges in your life.

The last tip for creating a more proactive lifestyle is to choose different words. If you absolutely hate broccoli and are served a delicious meal that includes steak, broccoli, baked potato and chocolate mousse, state the positive: I am so pleased, I really like steak, potatoes and chocolate mousse. Forget about the broccoli, you have three foods you like and only one item you don’t. You are in the positive. What a difference! You are enjoying the best and leaving the rest – a wonderful recipe for life!

Bon Appetit!