
Episode 133

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Do you want to start your day off on the right foot? Find out what Dr. Lunide Louis suggests is needed to have the best morning routine ever.

Dr. Lunide is the creator of the morning routine app, HitSavers, where you can accomplish 9 actionable items in 9 minutes in the morning to hack your day. Dr. Lunide is also the host of the well-known podcast, Best Morning Routine, Ever.

Bob and Dr. Lunide discuss:

  • What we do in the first ten minutes of our day sets the tone for the remainder.
  • Creating conscious motivational habits.
  • We have 60,00 thoughts per day and most of those thoughts are copied and pasted from the day before.
  • Interrupting limiting subconscious programming.
  • Shifting from a fixed mind to one of growth.

Dr. Lunide Louis offers an innovative approach to personal development that inspires you to change behaviors and get deep into the subconscious mind informing your behaviors since you were a child. Grab a copy of the free ebook: The Power of Habit Can Control Your Destiny, and prepare yourself to get up, dress up, and show up!

Best Morning Routine Ever. Dr. Lunide Louis

Episode Transcription

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Bob: [00:01:00] Welcome to another episode of Money You Should Ask. I’m your host, Bob Wheeler. And in this episode, we’re going to explore, question, examine, converse, dig deep, expose, laugh and cry about the money beliefs, money blocks, and life challenges of our next guest. Turn up the volume, listen, learn and laugh.

Our next guest is Dr. Lunide Louie. She is. An amazing person. And I had the privilege of being on her show best morning routine ever, which is a well-known podcast. She offers an innovative approach to personal development that doesn’t just inspire you to change behaviors, but get deep into the subconscious that has been informing your behaviors since you were a child.

So you can truly move into a new realm of purpose, potential, and power. She is the creator of the morning routine app. Hits savers, where you can accomplish nine actionable items in nine minutes in the morning to hack your day. Dr. Lunide, it is so awesome to have you on the show,

Dr. Lunide Louis: [00:02:24] Bob. It’s an honor to be here. It’s good to see you again.

Bob: [00:02:27] It’s very nice to see you. I love your nice calm energy, which I’m sure in the morning is a great thing. When people are starting their day to have a nice calm energy. Supporting them.

Dr. Lunide Louis: [00:02:40] Absolutely. Because what we do the first 10 minutes of the day sets the tone. So you have to be, we have to be intentional.

And I am intentional about the tone I set for the day by starting with calmness, by starting with meditation and actually letting that unfold, you know, that peace unfold throughout the day. So thank you for recognizing that.

Bob: [00:03:02] And I’m curious, because I know that you spent part of your childhood in Haiti. I don’t know if growing up, it was a nice calm environment. So tell me a little bit about childhood. And did you dream of becoming a doctor? Did you dream of doing this work or what was the little girl in you aspiring for?

Dr. Lunide Louis: [00:03:27] Yeah, no, that’s a good question. In Haiti, I was born in, so born in Haiti, third world country out in the Caribbean.

So being out being Haitian, we have, you know, the Masloff hierarchical chart,  you know, safety, food, shelter. Well, in Haiti, that’s all you’re concerned with is you don’t know where your next meal is gone is coming from. And the shelter in which you live in is made out of plastic and hay. Right. And so if say you get the strong wind that day, or you get a mud slide, you will be out of a home.

So the focus was not about being self-actualized was not about dreaming big, but mostly about safety. Yeah. What is my safety and where can I find my next meal? Because it is a third world country. And so I lived there with my parents and siblings. I’m the oldest. Four on my mom’s side, who is a single mother.

And then my dad’s side has 12 kids. And in that culture, that’s acceptable. That’s acceptable. So that’s the norm. And so growing up in Haiti, it, focus was really how do I survive today?

Bob: [00:04:38] Do you know, with your parents, what gave them the impetus to say let’s pick up and leave the Island? Because that’s a big, that’s a big step.

Dr. Lunide Louis: [00:04:48] Yes. Yes. It, it truly is. And so my, my parents wanted a better future. My parents wanted the opportunity for us, for the kids to to, to actually live a better and different life. And so what happens, we got our visas. 10 years old. I remember clearly waking up on a Tuesday morning and it was four in the morning and we got up, we had gotten out papers, our visas, and I was about to get on a plane for the first time, at 10 years old.

And to me that was excitement. That was newness. That was something on the other side of this Island that I’m about to be exposed to and I’m becoming aware of. And so driving to the airport, we, it’s just energy of like excitement and we get to ,it’s 90 degrees in, in Haiti. And then we get on a plane.

We come to the United States, landed in New York city and it was below 30 degrees in New York City. And talk about a culture shock. We get there, we wheel and our Sunday’s best. We know we are in short dresses, we are wearing ankle socks. We are not prepared for what we landed in. And it was, we saw white stuff coming from the sky there.

We saw snow for the first time. The first day we landed in New York city. We experienced snow and it was mind boggling to know the, to see the difference in the two worlds and having to come to the United States. But that was the starting of the of the journey of like, there’s. Possibility there is more, there’s the opportunity to to attain more besides to not worry just about your, your basic needs, but to actually wanna reach your full potential and wanna reach self-actualization and want to give back and contribute.

So that’s how that all started from those that trip from Haiti to lending in New York city in 1995.

Bob: [00:06:48] That is so awesome. And I’m curious. And I think you alluded to this, but after you were in the U S for a couple of years, did you start to notice, or did you become aware that it was no longer and maybe it wasn’t, but it was no longer about just surviving.

Dr. Lunide Louis: [00:07:06] It was no longer about surviving, but something more daunting stepped in. It was now poverty in a very lavish place. It was experience of poverty of not having enough or not being able to, to get a job and maintain it. Cause my mother was single mother with three, four, three other kids. And so she had to work nights to provide, and it was always.

It always seemed like there, the money never stayed. No money came. The sooner came the faster it was, it was spent. And so now we’re experiencing poverty, all the being here in this great land, but my mom had a language barrier, you know, so her jobs were limited. On on what she can, what she could get.

And for me as a child, watching that these subconscious beliefs started forming where, because I am not, because I’m an immigrant. I cannot have certain things. What I want is not available to me. And that limiting beliefs really started influencing my behavior. And we can get into how it affected me at a later, later age.

But those beliefs, I happen they, we get, they get instilled in us at a very young age without our permission.

Bob: [00:08:23] Absolutely. And when your mom had this language barrier and she’s now brought you to this country where now poverty is very obvious, there are. Did she have limiting beliefs because she obviously believed strong enough that there was possibility and opportunity.

And how much of the positive did you take in, or was her, most of her other beliefs once she got here more limiting? Like what can you just share with me that emotional journey around finance and survival and new country?

Dr. Lunide Louis: [00:08:58] Yes, absolutely. So I remember one time we were, it was on a weekend, on a Saturday and we went, she would take us everywhere with her.

So we were her translator, right. We would translate for health insurance for anything related to the house. And so she would take us with her when she’s running errands. And one time she took us downtown Brooklyn, and we were helping her get WIC which is the government assistant program that she was on.

She was on to help with buying food for us, the kids. And after we went through that appointment, she was qualified. So we went out, she took us out to lunch and to one of, one spot that sells  fish and chips. But when we were sitting there, we ordered and we’re sitting there, there is what, five of us. Right. But we only ordered two plates of food.

Bob: [00:09:46] Right.

Dr. Lunide Louis: [00:09:48] Now that is so clear in my mind today, Bob, because that, where that really was when that, that negative belief started happening, that is affecting me. That affected me as an adult in my adult life because I realized I wanted more food, but because we don’t have the money because we don’t have the means because we don’t have the funds we have to make, do with just two plates of which is just French fries and fried fish.

Bob: [00:10:14] Right.

Dr. Lunide Louis: [00:10:14] You get two pieces of fish in each plate and there’s five of us. So already scarce that scarce mentality started kicking in. And at that moment, as a, as a child, I’m thinking, you know, I want more. I want to be able to eat a whole plate of food by myself, if that’s feasible, you understand?

And so that, that moment really stuck with me because it showed me that what I did not want. And now I needed to find a way to change that.

Bob: [00:10:46] And how did you go about doing that? Like how did you start? You saw that you wanted something more, you saw that as an immigrant. I don’t get as much choice. And.

And, and you might’ve even gotten a message as a woman or as a person of color, limitations that other people might not experience. Then how did you take all that information and then say, I’m going to do better than what I’m being given.

Dr. Lunide Louis: [00:11:13] Yeah, absolutely. All that did plague my reality, Bob, yeah. Being a black woman, being an immigrant. I mean, kids in school were teasing about being Haitian and, and, and that didn’t bother.

It wasn’tbothering me much. It was more, now I am in this great land, my mother’s telling me to go to school cause that’s, what’s going to give us the, the, the money or the, the freedom, the education that we need to get better jobs so we can be comfortable. So I took that on religiously. And so I started applying myself in school more.

But one thing that I started doing is I would, I would start reading novels at night so I can expedite the learning process so I can learn English faster so that I can understand my classes a lot better because I wanted to excel because I knew this would be my ticket out of poverty, out of limiting beliefs.

Education was the way out. And that’s what I’ve been. That’s been ingrained in my mind as well. That’s what I’ve been taught as an immigrant. You go to school, you get an education and then you can get a nine to five. You can make 40 K to 90 K a year. You’re set. Life is good. Now. I follow suit. I did all that.

However, I was still limited. I was still, I still found myself broke after making the $75,000 a year. I could not keep the money because that’s what I saw growing up. Money would come into the home. And then before the next paycheck, it’s gone.

Bob: [00:12:46] And even now, are you aware of any beliefs that still try to creep in sometimes? Is there still sometimes the mindset of, I shouldn’t get the whole plate?

Dr. Lunide Louis: [00:12:58] Yeah. And it comes in my business, whether or not I do, I decide to increase my prices or not.. Right. The whole notion of am I worthy of it,  do I deserve it comes into play in my own business. So it shows you how powerful and, these programmings are.

Right? Because it starts us at such an early age that it’s in it’s subconscious. Right. You imagine we are operating out of the subconscious mind, 95% of the day, and that is done because the brain wants to protect us. And the brain wants to free up our conscious mind so we can learn new things so we can better navigate the world.

So without our permission, right, we are operating in thisauto tape, auto  programming. So the, when it comes for me to charge higher for my services, for my book, that nagging voice would want to stick in and says you don’t deserve it. Why are you trying to charging higher. Why, why do you, you’re not worthy of it.

That that thought comes up. And then that’s when immediately that we were talking about neuro linguistic earlier, that’s where the program that I’ve developed called The Habit Rewiring, where we can actually go into the subconscious mind and interrupt that.

Bob: [00:14:15] Yes.

Dr. Lunide Louis: [00:14:17] That interruption is the key to actually eradicating the negative programming that is happening behind the scenes.

Bob: [00:14:26] Absolutely. And I always referred to it. Yeah. As a hiccup, like when I’m working with people in my workshops, I’m trying to create a hiccup so that, that I can, that’s the moment when I can catch it and then make a conscious intentional choice instead of repeating the cycle. But we have to be paying attention so that we can have the hiccup, right.

Dr. Lunide Louis: [00:14:49] We have to become aware that it is happening. And so with with the program that I offer with Habit Rewiring, I actually take you through the process of

1.- Identifying what the root cause is. Of that limiting belief. Like for me, it was being born out of poverty. For me, it was sitting in that restaurant in Brooklyn in 1996, for me, it’s whenever I can not have a full plate of food, if I decide that, likes is ingrained in me.

So I take my clients through this process of going to the root cause. Let’s find out where this negative belief started. And then once we become aware of it, we have to, as you said, the hiccup, do the interruption, we interrupted that process. And then we have to cook once you interrupt, but you can’t leave it alone.

Cause now you have a void. You have to instill new beliefs, new, positive, not just affirmations, but declarations upon your life. And that’s something we must do on a daily basis, Bob, because we have 60,000 thoughts per day. Okay. And we are waking up every morning with the same thoughts we had yesterday.

Now. It’s almost impossible to try to be a different person or try to implement new habits. If your belief system is the same. If your negative self-talk is the same, you see?

Bob: [00:16:23] So how do you get the negative self-talk out like, because there’s 60,000 ideas. And you’re bringing them over from yesterday and you’re copying back from last week and now you’re trying to rewire and you’re trying to say, “thank you, negative voice. But I don’t need you anymore.”

Like, what is besides the interruption, what are some of the ways that people can start to be aware that they need, that, you know, if they want to change these, these old thoughts or these negative thoughts to start moving towards a different thought.

Dr. Lunide Louis: [00:16:59] This is my favorite part. Bob, I’m glad you brought it up. One of my favorite topics .Now, as we are in the process of that interruption, first we’ve acknowledged the thought the, the root cause we’re like detectives, we found it and now we all in the interruption piece of it now, the best part. And before I get right into the best part, Bob, it is the reason, this is the reason why we cannot

build effective habits with ease. This is the reason why we can’t build morning routines with no, without falling off the wagon. After the second day, this is the reason why we can’t be consistent with healthy money habits. This is the reason why we can’t have healthy relationships, because these are the reason behind why we are not fully living to that full potential of who we can be because we haven’t gone this last

piece, on, that I’m going to talk about, right now. And this last piece, Bob is instrumental because you have to upgrade the child. You see this child has been living in this lack, the scarcity, this limiting belief, I am not enough. I don’t deserve it. I am not loved. My parents yelled at me. They didn’t love me.

They weren’t there for me. They didn’t make time for me. We’ve actually mademade these conclusions so early on that this child has been living in that state of mind for so long, for decades. Right? And so one of the biggest step is to do after becoming aware of it. And the interruption process ,is actually upgrading the child.

Upgrading the child to who you are planning to be. So there has to be the shift because if you change your mind, you change your life. So this is the process of actually changing the subconscious mind, changing on a deeper level. And once that takes place, your identity will become different. You know, for morning routines in particular, people will say, I’m not a morning person.

That’s a negative belief. That is become your identity because beliefs we repeat over and over becomes our identity. Our identity, becomes who we are. So you have this belief, which is your identity, that I’m not a morning person, or I’m bad with money. I can’t find, manage my money. I need to, I don’t make enough money.

It becomes who you now believe you are. So when we instill and upgrade new beliefs and upgrade the child to the person that we aspire to be, then the identity began to shifts. From a lack mindset to a, from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset. And it’s constant. You have to do it on a daily basis. It’s just like taking a shower.

Zig Ziglar says this, “Motivation is just like taking a shower. It does not last.” And so we. We have to be to constantly be doing the work whenever a negative thought pops up, be able to reframe it, you know, identifying that. That’s not who I am because the, the, the mission or the goal is I want to give an example of somebody who wants to get up and go running.

You’re, you’re not, you’re more attracted to, you have to become a runner. You know, that that has to become your identity for you to do it. And that happens when you are repeating it over and over again, day in and day out. Then you become, you own that identity. I’m a runner. So running becomes easy for you when you’re stressed, you go out for a run to relieve your stress.

So that’s that marvelous shift that takes place because you are in the process of shifting your your identity and your personality. And once that happens, then sky’s the limit. The potential is revealed. It’s unveiled, it’s unfolded before you, you realize what, how much you’re capable of or what you’re capable of.

So it’s pretty fantastic with that, once that process goes into effect. So I changed my, I get my clients to actually come up with new identities, new affirmation, new declarations that they have to listen to for 21 days because it takes 21 days for neuron pathways to actually connect and new neuron pathways to connect.

And so they listened to that for 21 days and it’s almost immediately the clients that I talked to the change is immediate. I have clients who come to me because they feel stuck. They ,feel stagnant in their life. Like they’re not in control of their minds because it does get away with us and I’ll have a session with them and they go off to start a new business.

They go off to lose 30 pounds. That’s not why they came to see me. But that was a byproduct of getting unstuck. That was a by-product of releasing and eliminating those negative beliefs that was unconsciously directing their decision-making, their bad habits.

Bob: [00:22:01] Yeah. And I like what you’re saying. For me when I want to get in shape or when I want to lose weight, the way I look at it is I become obsessed with it. Like I buy all the books and put them by the bed. I put notes up so that I keep reminding myself to become obsessed with it so that it gets absorbed into the system, maybe over on almost overdrive so that when I can relax into it, I’m now more conscious of my health or I’m more conscious of my saving.

Dr. Lunide Louis: [00:22:33] And that’s, that’s what we call exposure therapy in psychology. You’re, you’re making it obvious. And that’s how you build on your effective habits by making it easy, by making it obvious by making it attractive. Because our environment plays such a key role in who we become. You know, the, you know, you ever heard people say, you know, you, the product of your environment.

Well, that is true. There is some truth to that. If you ever walked into your living room, if you walk into your living room, your environment is constructed so you can relax and sit in front of the TV. Where’s the couch facing? In front of the TV. How big is the TV? The size of the wall. So you’re, you’re supposed to be immersed in that environment and actually lose yourself.

So environment is so crucial. And so what you did Bob with when it comes to your health, buying the books, putting them on your nightstand, making them visible. That’s you priming your environment for your success. And that’s important. I’m so glad you brought it up because we, we undermine the importance of actually setting up our environment to be productive, you know actually cleaning the dishes the night before, making sure you wake up to a clean home that way in the morning, you don’t have to frantically trying to find anything. It’s there ready for you because in the morning, you, your most precious goal is your willpower.

You do not want to experience decision fatigue, first thing in the morning, because you are trying to find your keys. You’re trying to find your meals. You’re trying to find the clothes you want to wear. So you can go for that run. Any of those behaviors will decrease your chances of executing. And in your willpower is get, it gets whittled down throughout the day because of that fatigue. Like Steve Jobs, wears the same shirt or the same color shirt every day.

You know, Mark Zuckerberg wears the same color shirt, wear the same thing because they’re not worried about spending their most golden precious willpower in the morning, trying to figure out what to wear or whether they’re going to go work out. The decision was made the night before.

Bob: [00:24:40] How important is that to set that mindset up the night before, in other words, it’s great. In the morning we wake up, we, we create some habits. We do some affirmations, but before we go to bed, what can we do to help cultivate the next day being amazing?

Dr. Lunide Louis: [00:24:59] Yeah, very good question. And it’s so surprising that a lot of the entrepreneurs like yourself when you came on the show and you said it the morning routine starts the night before you remember that, like it’s so true because you really have to set yourself up the night before.

And that entails two things. Bob, it entails getting a good night’s sleep. But also planning for the following day. And so planning include putting the shoes by the door before you go to bed. Putting that glass of water on your nightstand. So you can hydrate first thing in the morning, so you can get rid of brain fog. Putting that book next to your pillow next to your bed so that you can get up and actually read for 10 minutes in the morning.

And all that is prepping and priming your environment, but also preparing the night before. Some people go the extra mile by actually sleeping in their gym clothes. They do. Talking about hacking your body, your mind for success, right? You’re tricking the body because the body’s just going to adhere to what the mind decides.

And I think we forget that. We saw quickly for give into the bodies. Aches and pains and, Oh, I don’t feel like it that’s the body. I don’t feel like it. Like, I, I don’t want to do this. And then we surrender to that. When we should actually be hacking the brain to automate the things around us, set up our environment so that the brain knows this is the next course of action.

So body, whether you’re ready or not to get out of this bed, we’re moving. And then you realize the minute that you’re on the go, you’re moving, the body again is obedient. It’s going to obey what the mind is telling it to do. And that’s our biggest trick. We don’t know how to control, to liberate the mind, not even control.

Let me choose my words wisely ,to liberate the mind because it is trapped. It is riddled with negative beliefs. It is riddled with reasons why you don’t want to do things because it’s simply as a, as a mammal, it’s just trying to keep you safe, honestly. Right? The brain is just there to keep you safe.

And so the second piece about the night, the morning routine studying the night before is I am out I’m about to debunk the biggest myth. The biggest lie we’ve ever been told is to be a morning, to have a morning routine or to be productive, to, to have a successful ,to be a successful entrepreneur,

you have to be a morning person. That’s a lie because everybody is created differently. We have different chronotypes right. We have different times of the day when we’re most productive. And I think a lot of people fail to realize that. And that’s what, one of the things, the minute you come on board with me on my, one of my programs, I find out what your chronotype type is.

When is the best time for you to wake up? When is the best time for you to do hard deep work? When is the best time to check emails? When’s the best time to eat because you want to actually optimize your energy. And so the chronotypes, you know, there’s four different ones. You can be a Lion, a Bear or Wolf and a Dolphin.

And they all wake up at different times of the day and they all go to sleep at different times of the day. And so a lot of people are misled thinking that, Oh, I have to go to sleep at nine o’clock every night. And I have to wake up at 4:00 AM every morning. If I want a shot at this success life and happiness and self actualization.

And that’s a huge lie because. I myself I’m a Lion. I’m up. I’m the one that is up at four or 5:00 AM, but I’m also tired by six o’clock. I can’t even remember my name because that’s, my productivity is best during the morning. Right. Then you have a Bear that will wake up at six o’clock, but can work till 11 o’clock with no problem.

And the, the most, the most outlier is the Wolf. The Wolf does not start getting productive until 5:00 PM. Now that doesn’t work for a nine to five because people are getting out of work at that time between nine and midnight is when the Wolf can actually do the most critical work, but they are also going to sleep at midnight and they’re waking up, their late waking up at seven 30 or eight o’clock.

And I want to let people know that that’s okay. That is your circadian clock. That is your internal clock. So we learn to work with our bodies instead of against it, you know, trying to fit a box, trying to be a cookie cutter. You know what I mean? So we individualize each plan for everyone on what, how they are designed genetically.

Bob: [00:29:45] I love that. And I want to bring it back to you and I’m curious. If when, if, and when you had that moment, remembering that time in Brooklyn, buying the two plates for five people, the first time that you bought a plate for everybody, or a plate for you and a plate for your mom, like, do you remember consciously at one point saying, Oh my gosh, I’m in a different place.

Dr. Lunide Louis: [00:30:21] Yes. Yes, I do remember that, that moment. And it was, it was the, I was, I was living in San Diego at the time. I had moved out in San Diego from the East coast to pursue my PhD in business psychology. And this was in 2015. I remember upon graduation. I wanted my whole family here. They had never been to California.

I moved out here by myself and they haven’t seen me in four, six years. And so I remember paying. Not just for everyone to eat, but paying for their flight, paying for everyone to come over to my graduation. And we enjoyed the week together where we went to SeaWorld. We, we did all this family activities because there was that moment I realized, okay, this is a different lifestyle.

This is a different way of, of how not having, or having to buy two plates. Now everybody gets their own plate and guess what we get to choose. You want a different restaurant, let’s do it with no problem. And it was really that moment of having to pay for them to fly from the East coast to get here too.

So it was really an empowering feeling to actually have combated that That belief, that negative belief that I, I cannot have these things that are available for me. Cause all honestly, all we truly want is to make the people in our lives happy and to live a comfortable life. And if for us, if that’s success is being able to provide for our family, then we’ve reached it.

Bob: [00:31:55] I’m sure that your mom was incredibly proud.

Dr. Lunide Louis: [00:32:00] She truly was. She truly was.

Bob: [00:32:02] That’s that’s so beautiful. We are at our fast five and I want it, so I want to shift a little bit and just ask you a few questions that are just top of the mind

Dr. Lunide Louis: [00:32:11] .Sure..

What’s the last thing you do each night before you climb into bed?

I look at my goals. I look at my goals. I have my goals written out in a journal that I pull up every night. I look at them three times a day, actually in the morning, lunchtime and at night and at night. I opened up the the app where I have the screenshots saved. And I look at my year goals and my, my year one and my year two goals.

And then I have a list of affirmations that I, I speak over my life before going to sleep. And that has helped me to stay calm. That has helped me to be happy. And that has helped me to live my purpose. Because again, I told you just like taking a shower, that daily work of eradicating those negative beliefs because they’re, they’re, they’re programmed.

And so I do that nightly by looking at my goals and also reading my list of affirmations.

Bob: [00:33:01] So important, so important. So everybody out there take notes, set some intentionality.

Dr. Lunide Louis: [00:33:09] Yeah, because the subconscious mind is working for you all the time. So before you go to sleep, you better give it something to work for, or else you’re going to be having these nightmares.

Your mind’s going to wander because the subconscious mind doesn’t sleep. So I think it’s Edison. I said, never go to sleep without a request to your mind. And so that’s what that is for me. I’m telling my mind, these are my goals. These are the things that I want to accomplish. I don’t know how that’s going to happen, but I trust that you will, new universe is going to provide and make that happen.

Give me the equipment with the skills, the talent, the people, the resources to make that happen. So I have that trust. In in the process, but Bob, you’re going to love this because my goals or my financial goals, how much money I want to make in, in 2021, how much money I wanna make in 2022. And then how many clients do I need to serve to make that happen?

Bob: [00:34:02] That’s awesome. Very intentional and very conscious. So I really appreciate that. All right. I’m gonna, this is crazy, but are you related or distant related to anybody? Super famous?

Dr. Lunide Louis: [00:34:13] I am not related to anybody super famous. Not that I know of. How about you Bob? Are you?

Bob: [00:34:23] Not that I know of. Not that anybody else would know. Famous in their own minds. Can you give me do you have a favorite quote that you love?

Dr. Lunide Louis: [00:34:30] I do have a favorite quote and the quote is Maya Angelou, and it says people will. You know that one. Yes. And not to butcher it, but people, yeah.

People will remember what you say, but they will always, “they won’t remember what you say, but they will remember how you made them feel,” I’m plagiarizing and, and but that’s along the line of what she says. And that quote is super important because it shows us that the importance of treating others well and treating ourselves well, because you can’t give what you don’t have.

And if you’re not good to yourself, you’re not going to be good to other people .

Bob: [00:35:09] Who is your favorite cartoon character and why

Dr. Lunide Louis: [00:35:12] SpongeBob.

Bob: [00:35:16] SpongeBob

Dr. Lunide Louis: [00:35:17] Spongebob isis my favorite character because he’s so oblivious to reality. He’s so like always in LA LA land, he’s so optimistic. He’s so happy. He’s so, he always sees the silver lining in every situation and he teaches me how to be a kid. He teaches me how to be a child. He teaches me how to tap into that inner beauty of innocence.

Bob: [00:35:43] That is awesome. What was your last. Impulse buy?

Dr. Lunide Louis: [00:35:47] Oh boy, I bought a pair of Louboutin red bottom shoes for my wedding and they are so gorgeous.

Bob: [00:35:58] Where they worth it?

Dr. Lunide Louis: [00:36:00] Absolutely! Hashtag, worth it.

Bob: [00:36:05] I love that.

Dr. Lunide Louis: [00:36:06] It’s a sign, it’s a sign of status too Bob, it’s, it’s, it’s coming, overcoming that limiting belief that you don’t deserve certain things. You don’t deserve nice things. And for me, that was the, the, the corporate of what a, I can now afford this. So this is awesome. This is amazing. I am actually improving and it’s a reminder.

Because I have it in the middle, like in the, in the insight, in the living room where I can see the red bottoms, because it’s a status.

Bob: [00:36:39] That’s awesome. It’s reaffirming, it’s reaffirming. And I think that’s that’s, that’s great. Let me ask you this. We’re at our sweet spot, M & M moment, money and motivation.

And I’m wondering if you have a practical, financial tip or a piece of wealth wisdom, something that has worked for you that our listeners could take away with them.

Dr. Lunide Louis: [00:36:56] Yes. Two of them, one, if you’re bad with money, marry somebody who is good with money. Okay. That’s that’s the number one tip. I am. I am now recently married.

It’s going to be six months and I’m realizing how much my husband knows about it and how much he does such an awesome job at managing our finances compared to. So how I was doing it. I thought I improved. I thought I got better. Right? Cause I’m coming from lack and poverty and not knowing anything. And I get with him and he’s on a whole different level.

So marry someone that knows financing and how to budget and manage your money. The other piece is it’s okay to put aside immediate gratification for long-term benefit.

Bob: [00:37:43] Absolutely. And if you don’t want to marry him, just date them a really long time.Yeah.

Dr. Lunide Louis: [00:37:53] Cohabitate

Cohabitate, glean the information. And I definitely think delayed gratification is something in this country and most countries, but I think, especially in the U S we could all benefit from. More delayed gratification instead of having to have everything in the moment. So that we actually appreciate what we do have.

I was going to say, this is what the second model of thinking comes from, right? The same thing with building habits, we were so quick. We want to eat that donut because it’s going to be delicious and satisfying versus having the Apple where you don’t see the immediate results. It’s really three months later that you saw the, the, the end result of the habit actually working versus right now, we are so like immediate gratification.

Give it to me now. I want to feel it now. I want pleasure now. I want fun now. And then it costs us on the long run, versus if we actually mitigate that think about it a little bit and rashing it out then the benefits long-term will be so much more bigger than the, the results are that the gratification in the moment?

Bob: [00:38:54] Well, absolutely. And I can think of that. It’s definitely the donut is more sexy in the moment than the apple, but three months later, I’m probably going to not be as sexy if I had the donut. And if I had the apple.

Dr. Lunide Louis: [00:39:09] Absolutely, absolutely. Yeah.

Bob: [00:39:13] Where can people find you on social media and online and. Do you have a book? Tell us about that.

Dr. Lunide Louis: [00:39:21] Yes, sure. People can find me on social media, Best Morning Routine Ever. That’s my social handle for Twitter, Instagram,Facebook, Best Morning Routine,Ever and also where you’re listening to this podcast, the Best Money Routine Ever podcasts. Is being aired that comes out twice a week. So tune in there for some amazing tips on how successful entrepreneurs like Bob, yourself comes on and tell us the tricks and hacks on how to optimize our performance, our productivity, and essentially our life.

And so that’s aired on P or wherever podcasts are available. But also going into lunidelouis.com You’ll see the work that I do with habit wiring. I do it for business owners. I do it for individuals as well, but we simply start by identifying what your circadian clock is. And we go from there and it helps with the business development, personal goals, all that good stuff.

And also on the website, you can get the copy of the book for free. It’s called The Power Of Your Habits Will Control Your Destiny, is what it’s called. And it talks about morning tips in how one little habit done everyday, how it can have a lifetime effect on your life.

So powerful read going on lunidelouis.com or BestMorningRoutineEver. Com and you’ll find them some, a lot of freebies. I have a good report on. 10 things you must know before studying a morning routine.

Bob: [00:40:44] Awesome. We’ll make sure to put all of that up in our notes and information and we’ll push that out.

I want to say to our listeners, please, don’t forget to share the love, like, follow share on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram search for Money You Should Ask all one word. Subscribe to this podcast on your favorite podcast player, or visit Apple podcasts and search for Money You Should Ask or click on the link in the description.

If you’re watching this episode on YouTube, don’t forget to like comment and subscribe. For more tips tools, on how to learn how to have a healthy relationship with money, visit themoneynerve.com. That’s nerve, not nerd. I’m often a nerd, but it’s themoneynerve.com. Dr. Lunide. It has been such a pleasure.

I so appreciate you sharing your story and this wonderful information, and I really appreciate it on behalf of all the listeners

Dr. Lunide Louis: [00:41:32] It’s been, it’s been my pleasure. Bob. Thank you for the opportunity and thank you for having me on this amazing show.



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