

Choosing to make conscious choices for your money and life may have implications in many aspects of your life. Set aside some quiet time this December and create a mental space to listen to your thoughts. Decide how to spend your holiday season, using your goals to...

You Are Not the Only One

Hi! My name is Bob Wheeler, and I am a certified CPA with my own firm in Los Angeles, California. I’m also the CFO of The Comedy Store. I have been listening to clients talk about their money for over 20 years and have found that many people struggle with their...

Start A Journal

As you identify where your “Money Nerve” is being pinched and start finding new avenues for change, one of the best ways to track your progress is to start a journal. A journal gives you a good sense of where you are and it will assist you to focus on goals for the...


We all have different wants and needs and there are many roads to reach the same goals. In the same way, we all have different levels of emotional tolerance toward our present financial situation. If your money nerve is being pinched, it is time to explore ways to...


Most people are familiar with the phrase, “What’s in it for me?” And many may think it is the cry of a selfish or immature person. This phrase can be a valuable stepping-stone to determine where you stand financially, and an effective process to review your goals!...