Mastering The Emotions Of Money

Mastering the Emotions Of Money

Self Study Online Course

Wouldn’t it be nice to worry less about money and focus more on financial freedom?

Mastering the Emotions of Money brings financial therapy to the comfort of your own home. Did you know a healthy relationship with money is freedom. When you unpack your current money mindset and become mindful of your personal decision-making process with your finances, you create space for a new financial you to emerge.

The Money Nerve Academy: Mastering the Emotions of Money – Self-Study Online Course

Created by Robert (Bob) Wheeler CPA, CPRA, CCEP

This course is designed to help you master your emotional response to money. You can get in touch with your fears, blocks, and beliefs around money so that you can become more aware of your current financial story. By understanding why you do what you do with your finances, you can create a different relationship with your money than the one currently taking place.

This dynamic approach to personal finances helps you:

  • Uncover & replace outdated belief systems related to money
  • Overcome fears & emotional blocks around money
  • Become mindful of self sabotaging behaviors
  • Create actionable plans to overcome old ways of thinking
  • Create honest budgets
  • Develop a new path to financial abundance
  • Create effective financial habits that serve you
  • Have a healthy relationship with money

With compelling videos, lessons, daily tasks, meditations, visualization exercises, financial goal setting, honest budgeting and journal questions, Mastering the Emotions of Money helps you reconcile your relationship with money and allows you to make wiser choices throughout your life. While you reconcile your relationship with money, you may also discover unexpected benefits in other aspects of your life.

Online Course Fees

There are 3 Mastering the Emotions of Money course packages available. You can purchase the self study option on it’s own, or you can take advantage of three or sixprivate consultations with Bob.

The Money Nerve is committed to supporting those who have served and continue to serve.
We proudly offer $100 off all course purchases for the following:

Active Duty & Retired Military, Veterans, Law Enforcement Personnel, Firefighters, EMTs, First Responders, and Healthcare Workers.

To access the discount code, contact us using the form below to show proof of your eligibility.

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9-5 Customer Support

Multiple Device Compatibility

Here is a look at what’s included in Mastering the Emotions of Money:

  • 12 core weekly lessons with video tutorials
  • 60 daily audio tutorials
  • 60 daily journaling tasks
  • Weekly meditation and visualization exercises
  • Mindfullness exercises and tips to inspire you in creating new healthy financial habits
  • A complimentary journal to complete as you follow along with the course (digital version for anyone outside the US)
  • Immediate access the peer Facebook community
  • Ongoing online and telephone support from The Money Nerve team
  • Weekly emailed reminders
  • After completing the course you will gain free access to the Graduate Track for continued education.

What’s included in the Graduate Track?

You will lay a solid foundation to understanding your “Money Nerve” during the 12-week course, however, in order to continue to have an impact on your life, it is something you should continue to work on throughout life.  This is why we introduced the Graduate Track to help you stay focused on your relationship with money – and ultimately discover unexpected benefits in other aspects of your life.  Here is what’s included in the Graduate Track:

  • Access to a monthly group coaching call/webinar with Bob Wheeler
  • Access to monthly interviews with guest teachers
  • Continued access to peer Facebook community

You can complete the course at your own pace or follow our recommended guidelines all from the comfort of your home.

“Bob is a real pro when it comes to helping you understand fiscal responsibility. His approach is honest and informative and thanks to his coaching, I am no longer knee-deep in debt. I would highly recommend taking his course.” – Shawn Pelofsky

Bob Wheeler CPA

Include Private Consultations with Bob Wheeler.


To accompany your 12-week journey, you are also invited to include private coaching consultations with The Money Nerve author and founder, Bob Wheeler. You will have one-on-one sessions with Bob to ensure you stay on track and to gain a greater understanding of how your outdated belief systems are influencing your decisions today. Bob will work with you and guide you through mental processes to overcome fears, phobias, and emotional blocks around money. He will help you build a custom, honest budget and create new beneficial financial habits that propel you forward in life.



What’s Inside the Course

Mastering The Emotions Of Money is comprised of twelve dynamic lessons, focusing on one core topic each week. You will be assigned a task each day for each core theme or topic.  Over 60 days, you will receive access to more than 6 hours of video presentations, audio prompts, meditational sequences, and a complimentary journal, along with opportunities for deep thinking and journaling. Participants have admittance to each Lesson 24/7. Lessons are presented in sequential order, and as each lesson is completed, access to the next is automatically opened for the following day.

Participants will also be offered lifetime access to the Graduate Track to continue their financial journey, including monthly online coaching calls, webinars, and virtual workshops. Guest teacher/speaker interviews will be offered as resources, along with continued personal access to Bob Wheeler via the private Facebook group and/or private consultations.


How This Course is Different Than Other Online Courses

The problem with many online courses available today is people sign up for them and do not stick with them. We have structured Mastering The Emotions Of Money as a 12-week course with daily assignments to keep you engaged throughout the entire course. Here is a look at the 12 weeks:

  • Week 1: An onboarding lesson with an initial online evaluation to asses where you currently are in relation to your emotions and money.

  • Weeks 2 - 11: A weekly video, lesson, and journal question will be opened up each week. On the remaining days, you will also receive an additional daily journal question and daily task to focus on.

  • Week 12: You will receive access to a final lesson to help you pull everything you learned together.

What Will I Learn in the 12-Week Course?

1. Onboarding and Online Evaluation

Week 1: Day #1-5

This course is a stepping-stone to understanding different aspects of your life. It is really about reprogramming your brain. The data you are using might have come to you when you were seven years old. You are not seven years old anymore. It is time to reassess the information you absorbed when you were young. This first lesson is set up to get you started on the path to financial freedom with onboarding information and self-evaluation.

2. Financial Freedom: Set a New Course

Week 2: Day #6-10

Before you start any journey, you need to know where you want to go (your goal), what you have to work with (your beliefs) and what new things you will bring (your new perspective). The first portion of the course explores your story through other people’s stories.

3. Mental Mapping

Week 3: Day #11-15

Understanding your mental map and then learning to make adjustments to your mental map is an important part of this course. Once you get an idea about how mental mapping works, you will have the chance to look at your own process and start questioning what you really want and whether you are willing to make the changes to get it.

4. Exploring The Power of Your Words

Week 4: Day #16-20

Be Conscious of What You Say: What you say out loud is the greatest indication of your mental mapping. If you can’t hear what you are saying, find a friend who will be happy to challenge you on what you say you want or what you say your current state is. This lesson will help choose your words consciously.

5. Emotions: Discovery Your Money Nerve

Week 5: Day #21-25

Our financial reality is more than just dollars and cents. We are sentient beings governed by a combination of emotions and facts. As is true with all types of emotions, our Money Nerve, when pinched, can also get the best of us. This lesson will help you discover your Money Nerve.

6. Emotional Anxiety

Week 6: Day #26-30

Shame for not having enough: Financial shame often comes from not living up to a certain ideal. It may be a false expectation or a false belief. You may think you should own a home and provide for all of your family’s needs, but perhaps you lost your job and that is no longer possible. Guilt for having too much, always pay for others, gifts, people assume you have a charmed life. More $ doesn’t mean you have a happier-better life. In this lesson, you will be challenged to explore your emotional anxiety.

7. Identify Your Fears

Week 7: Day #31-35

Now that you are becoming more aware of the emotions that trigger your Money Nerve, it’s time to address the major roadblock on your path to financial health: fear. People respond to fear in different ways, and the results almost invariably keep them from moving freely toward their financial goals. In this lesson, we will uncover any fears you have towards money.

8. Envision Your Financial Future

Week 8: Day #36-40

Now that you are becoming more aware of the emotions that trigger your Money Nerve, it’s time to address the major roadblock on your path to financial health: fear. People respond to fear in different ways, and the results almost invariably keep them from moving freely toward their financial goals. In this lesson, we will uncover any fears you have towards money.

9. Honest Budgeting

Week 9: Day #41-45

This lesson is a reality check. Where are you really? You can’t get to your ultimate destination if you don’t know your starting point. In this lesson, we look at income and expense budgeting, time budgeting and hidden costs. When you do these things, it is really important to be honest with yourself.

10. Taking Baby Steps

Week 10: Day #46-50

As an adult, you will probably have to take action steps to move toward your dreams—and it’s also important to first just dream. You are so much more than your current situation. You are not just your bank account, your job, or your net worth. You are a combination of everything that is, was, and will be. This lesson will push you to start by taking baby steps.

11. On the Path to Financial Abundance

Week 11: Days #51-55

You are ready to manifest change in your life. Go forth and bring about what you desire: a healthy financial future. The time is now.  This lesson focuses on the life skills that will allow you to build financial abundance for life, not just the 12-weeks as a course member.

12. Pulling It All Together

Week 12: Day #56-60

So here we are. You wanted to change your relationship with money at the start of this course. And now you are changing that relationship. You have brought it to consciousness; you are ready to launch. This is a long-term relationship that goes on for the rest of your life. Honor it. Respect it. Take it seriously. Your relationship with money never ends, it only changes form.


Graduate Track

Staying focused on your finances and achieving proactive abundance. By staying in touch and continuing your financial journey with group coaching calls, monthly interviews and personal interaction with Bob Wheeler via the private Facebook group and online webinars.

What Our Students Are Saying

{The Money Nerve is very well structured as it systematically leads us through our emotions about money (and life)! All of this is done in bite sized daily lessons with short writing exercises which help clarify our positive and negative emotions. The structure and cumulative nature of this process helps us identify and clarify these emotions, redefine and reduce our anxiety and other barriers to abundance. The final portion of the course teaches simple and excellent budgeting skills to help us actualize our dreams and reach our goals. The connection between emotions and action is maintained throughout the course. The tools are functional and designed for long terms use. I found the course to be very meaningful, powerful and effective. In fulfilling the title – The Money Nerve – it helps us to see that our money nerve is part of our overall emotional approach to ourselves and life. I especially appreciated the kind, and step by step process of cutting through the negative emotions, and enhancing positive emotions and goals. This is helping me to be more conscious about my spending and helping me to develop – and use! - practical budgeting skills.
Janna Roth
Mastering the Emotions of Money Alumni
{I am very cautious when it comes to courses about money, as I have bought some in the past and was very disappointed with the content. So I bought Robert's book to get an idea of what The Money Nerve was all about. After reading it, I decided I wanted to know more about my money story. I never imagined this course would take me so deep. This course helped me understand exactly where and what happened in my life that influenced my money habits. I have and continue to implement Robert's daily tips and have seen a dramatic change. 5 stars on a great resource. Highly recommended by me.
Timothy James F.
Mastering the Emotions of Money Alumni
{I was introduced to The Money Nerve by a colleague who swore to me that this course would help me. After digging a huge financial hole for myself, I felt trapped and stuck.  Emotional spending was a real problem for me. After months and months of hesitation, I bought the course. To begin with, the course was very confronting for me. But when I started noticing small changes in my thought patterns, I realized there was a glimmer of hope for me. By week 7, I noticed a dramatic shift and I was seeing changes in my spending habits. By the end, I was actually saving money for the first time in my life. The clarity I found around my financial habits was incredible. I still catch myself every now and then wanting to buy something I don't need. The difference is that now I catch myself when I do it and take action. Thank you Money Nerve.
Loretta Valentino
Mastering the Emotions of Money Alumni
{I cannot express my gratitude enough to Bob Wheeler for bringing this course to the world. After years of constant feuding with my husband about our finances, and blaming him and outside circumstances for our situation, I am finally able to see the truth of why were were running around in circles with our finances. The lessons on facing financial fears were very challenging yet so worthwhile. I highly recommend this course to anyone wanting to change their mental attitude when dealing with money and finances in your life.
Claudia Valdez
{This course is a game changer. Thank you Mr. Wheeler for creating this. I found this course to be challenging at times but very rewarding. I was able to move past the anger I had regarding why my finances were in a mess and focus on changing it. If you keep drawing the short straw in money situations, I thoroughly recommend taking this course.
Larry Williams
Mastering the Emotions of Money Alumni

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any questions or concerns about the course, please contact us.

How will I get access to the course once I sign up?

Once you make a purchase, you will receive an email from The Money Nerve team with all the information you’ll need to access the course. Click on the link provided and create a password. Your access is granted!

What if I have concerns or doubts about the course?

It’s natural to have doubts, we all do, but if the thought has crossed your mind that something is not right, you are probably on to something.

We all have stories we tell ourselves. Most of our parents never taught or encouraged healthy money habits, as they weren’t taught either. We can carry on beliefs and stories from essential people in our lives that aren’t necessarily true.

If you are reading this, that means you have some interest in changing your financial story.

We welcome questions, and we can address any concerns you may have.

How much support will I recieve?

Our team provides online support to all students of the course. All emails are responded to within 24 hours.

You will receive weekly emails from our team to help you stay on track, and you will have direct online contact with our team during business hours.

Private sessions with Bob Wheeler will be scheduled in advance with our team. Bundles of 3 sessions and 6 sessions are available.

What if I fall behind in the course?

Sometimes we need to pause and slow down. You will have lifetime access to the course, so you can access it whenever you like.

We do suggest you follow a “5 days on and 2 days off” approach (like a working week), as mainting a new and healthy financial habit is beneficial. If you feel you need to take an extended break, notify our team and we will help you stay on track at a later stage.

Does the course start as soon as I sign up?

We give you the flexibility to choose your start date. Some students have started the course at the beginning of the week, and others have chosen start dates that work with their schedule.

You will be prompted during the sign up process to select your start date. If a date is not selected, you will automatically be enrolled for the following day.

Need Help Or Have Questions?

If you have any questions or concerns about the course, please contact us.