
Episode 180

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Unconsciously Comfortable In Debt. Simone Milasas

Episode Description

Sometimes we think it is easier to ignore the reality of our finances and overlook years of debt that have taken a toll on our emotional health. So we put on a brave face and try really hard to pretend everything is good. Which in turn creates more frustration, shame, or even worse, guilt. Our next guest, Simone Milasas believes that most people are in debt because they are unconsciously comfortable that way.

Simone and I discuss her own experience with overwhelming debt and how she underplayed her money problems. After changing her points of view about money, Simone has gone from overwhelming debt to a millionaire entrepreneur with a thriving investment portfolio.

Simone is a self-made millionaire, renowned speaker, leading Facilitator with Access Consciousness®️ and the founder of the global organization Joy of Business. She is a bestselling author and has written Joy of Business, Getting Out of Debt Joyfully (translated into multiple languages), and Relationship: Are you Sure You Want One?

[8:03] “I’m going to wake up and someone’s going to come along and just wave their little wand and it’s all going to go away and everything’s going to be okay.”
[8:47] “I wasn’t bad at creating money. I was just really good at spending it.”
[11:15] Money is not the problem. You are.
[15:22] What do you love about being in debt?
[16:55] Choose what is joyful for you, then money has this way of showing up.
[22:00] Being uncomfortable with large sums of money in a bank account.
[27:44] By making money mean something more, it will always control you.
[33:40] It’s not money that makes you less than, it’s your point of view.

Simone constantly sees the joy of possibility and future and recognizes the prospect of possibility in every choice. If you’re ready to change your entire financial reality, visit simonemilasas.com. You can find Simone every week on her podcast, The Choice Change and Action Podcast.

Simone’s Books

Episode Transcription

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[00:00:00] Bob Wheeler: Welcome to another episode of money you should ask where everyone has something they can teach you. I’m your host, Bob Wheeler. In this episode, we are going to explore why we do what we do when it comes to money as a CPA for the past 30 years. Wait, let me say 25, because that makes me sound younger. I have seen it all when it comes to money and emotions.

[00:00:21] And if you think I’m talking about my clients, I’m not. I’m talking about myself. My relationship with money has been, and sometimes still is an emotional roller coaster. Maybe that’s something you’re also familiar with. Good news. You and I are not the only ones. Our next guest is going to share their money, beliefs, money blocks, and life challenges as well.

[00:00:43] Buckle your seatbelt and enjoy the ride.[00:01:00]

[00:01:06] our next guest is Simone Milasis. She’s a self-made millionaire renowned speaker and the founder of the global organization. Joy. She is a best-selling author and has written joy of business and getting out of debt joyfully, which have both been translated into multiple languages. Simone has had personal experience with overwhelming debt and understands the automatic response.

[00:01:27] People can have to ignore or underplay their fiscal problems. After changing her point of view about money. Simone has gone from crippling debt to millionaire entrepreneur with a thriving investment portfolio. Simone constantly sees the joy of possibility and future. She recognizes the prospect of possibility in every choice you can find Simone every week on her podcast, the choice change and action podcast.

[00:01:52] Simone. I’m so excited to have you today. I am so excited to be here. Well, I know it is early for you as we talked earlier. [00:02:00] I appreciate you getting up at the crack of Dawn and joining us all the way from Australia.

[00:02:06] Simone Milasas: So welcome. And that’s what coffees for, so that’s, what’s

[00:02:09] Bob Wheeler: here glad to be here. So Simone, I know that you can relate to people that have financially struggled.

[00:02:15] You were in that place. Can you tell me a little bit about your beginning story when you were a kid? Were you a rich kid? Poor kid. Middle-class. Where did you fall in the community with your family? I mean, to say we

[00:02:28] Simone Milasas: were about middle-class or just above middle-class, like I grew up in Sydney, Australia, and I went to a private school.

[00:02:36] We had money, but here’s the interesting thing. We had money and as my family had money, I did this insane, stupid thing as a teenager. And as I got older of being so petulant with my hands on my hips going, I don’t need your money. And for years, I literally refused any money from my parents because I was like, I can do it all on my own, which didn’t create much freedom for me.

[00:02:58] So we had a little [00:03:00] bit of money, but as far as I was. I didn’t want it. So it was an interesting youth.

[00:03:05] Bob Wheeler: And what do you think that rebellious opinion was from? I mean, I’m saying rebellious, but maybe that’s the wrong choice. Maybe it was prudent, but what was it that you said? I don’t want anybody else’s money.

[00:03:17] I’ll do this on my own. It

[00:03:18] Simone Milasas: was always trying to prove that I didn’t need anyone and then I could do it on my own. And it was interesting. My father passed away about nine years ago. And at one stage when I did realize I was so in debt, he gave me a $50,000 check. And when I received it, oh, Bob, the look on his face and his body of how grateful he was that I finally received coming from him from the daughter that he had.

[00:03:42] And I was like, wow. And I realized how unkind I was being by not receiving from him. So yeah, I say petulant shitty teenage, you know, early twenties daughter. Horrible.

[00:03:55] Bob Wheeler: You know, that makes me think of, you know, there’s that saying it’s better to give than receive, which I think is [00:04:00] actually false. I think it’s better to give and receive.

[00:04:03] Simone Milasas: I think we, well, look, I think we grow up with this give and take program. I mean, God looks at Christmas or birthdays or anything like that. And in truth it’s like if we were gifting and receiving, like we receive as we give and vice versa. So I think the world would be a much easier nicer place. If we did start receiving.

[00:04:22] Bob Wheeler: Absolutely. How about your mom? Did your mom talk about money when you were a kid? You remember anything where they’re little mantras around money? My

[00:04:32] Simone Milasas: mom was the complete opposite to my dad in a lot of ways, my dad was incredibly kind and caring and always had my back. And my mom was just like, he’s not the kindest person in the world.

[00:04:42] And she used to say, we’re at the dinner table and I’d always want to talk about money or business because I liked. And she was like, we don’t talk about that at the dinner table. And I was always like, why? And then she’d start talking about, you know, the kid up the road, who’s brother one is from in carnival thing.

[00:04:58] And I was like, I don’t even know [00:05:00] them. This is so not relevant to us, but you’d be dismissed as soon as you even mentioned business or money, which I found really strange. So my mom never got me and I never got her, but my dad was like gold for me. Did you have any siblings? Yeah, a brother one brother.

[00:05:15] Bob Wheeler: And, or are you the oldest?

[00:05:16] Simone Milasas: I’m the youngest. I’m the baby. You’re the baby.

[00:05:19] Bob Wheeler: You’re the princess. Did your parents treat you differently because of your gender?

[00:05:25] Simone Milasas: Yes, I will say that. And it’s interesting because when my dad died in his will, one of the things I noticed was he left because he had a stock portfolio that was the family sort of thing.

[00:05:36] And he left that for my brother to take care of which I know that at that time that he died, my father actually knew. That I was doing better than my brother with portfolios, et cetera. But he was so old school. Like he didn’t do it to dismiss me. He was old school. It’s like the men are meant to look after the women.

[00:05:55] And that’s very much, my dad had a generosity of spirit. That was huge. You know, you looked [00:06:00] after women. So I know that that’s what he was doing, but yeah, I was treated differently for sure.

[00:06:04] Bob Wheeler: Do you still buy into that notion that men should take care of women in your adult life? And when, if, and when did you say no?

[00:06:13] I

[00:06:13] Simone Milasas: actually, I love being treated like a lady and being treated like a princess. Absolutely love it. Um, look, I don’t know if it’s fortunately or unfortunately, most of the relationships I’ve had, I’ve been the one that turned more than. And I think that’s a hurdle that a lot of people need to get over as well because women go, but I don’t want to pay for them.

[00:06:28] I’m like, if you want them to go pay, like you’re making money, the relevant thing. Whereas it’s about two people hanging out together, but I love doors being opened for me. I love being poured a glass of wine at dinner. It’s like, I absolutely love being treated like a lady. So I think I love the women men relationship that is possible.

[00:06:46] Bob Wheeler: Yeah. Yeah. And what I’m not hearing is that women aren’t able to still be powerful. And full of leadership and strong, none of that’s negated by the fact of being treated like a woman. No, I think

[00:06:58] Simone Milasas: that’s just a choice and that’s a choice [00:07:00] for men and it’s a choice for women and in truth, you know, like we were brought up with women or men to stay at home.

[00:07:05] You know, men are men to go off to work, et cetera. And if you look at the 1950s, I mean, they had what they nicknamed mother’s little helper. Which was Valium. And it’s like, and that’s what they used to get through the day. You know, it’s like, you know, you were on Valium, your entire life. And if you switch it around, how many men actually love nesting and being at home and women want to go out and conquer the world.

[00:07:27] So I think we really need to start looking at what do you want to choose as a person on this planet? Like, besides the fact, if you have a vagina or a penis or anything like that, it’s like, what do you want to choose? Like, make that your choice. Yeah.

[00:07:40] Bob Wheeler: And so you relate to people with debt cause you had a lot of debt.

[00:07:43] How did you get into lots of debt? I had a

[00:07:45] Simone Milasas: good time basically, and I ignored bills. Like, you know what, actually, that’s a lie. I open the bills and I put them in a little section and I would leave them there, but I wouldn’t pay them. And no one ever knew that I [00:08:00] was in debt because people would be like, you want to go to Melbourne shopping?

[00:08:03] I’d be like, yeah, you want to do this? Yeah. I was like, of course. And I was very good at getting loans from different banks or associations or anything like that. So I really, I don’t know, somewhere in my insane mind, I thought I’m going to wake up and someone’s going to come along and just wave their little wand and it’s all going to go away and everything’s going to be okay.

[00:08:23] Cause I really did refuse to have a look at how much debt I was in for a few years.

[00:08:28] Bob Wheeler: Yeah. And do you remember during that time, was it I’m going to have a good time? I don’t care what debt I have. Like, was there a storyline that you had in terms of, I can spend whatever.

[00:08:43] Simone Milasas: You know, uh, I get, I had the point of view that money will just keep showing up.

[00:08:47] And the funny thing is it did, like, you know, that those were still making money and I was still creating money, but I would, I would spend more than that old saying I would spend [00:09:00] more than what I was actually making. So I never doubted that money wouldn’t show up.

[00:09:04] And I was. I don’t know, very diversified in my choices. Like I didn’t, I know some people go, I need to have this job that I know I’m getting a wage or a salary. So it’s, I feel safe. That was not me. I was like, I’ll do that. I’ll do that. I’ll do that. I’ll do that. I’ll do that, you know, and we’d be at a million different places though.

[00:09:22] Money showed up. I just spent too much.

[00:09:25] Bob Wheeler: I love that there’s that sort of fearless approach. I grew up thinking there’s no safety net. There’s no safety net. There’s no safety net. And so for me, I was always looking around, even though I took risks and did things other people wouldn’t do, I still was sort of.

[00:09:40] Is there a safety net somewhere in case I fall, I won’t break my leg or maybe I just break my leg. Yeah. Well,

[00:09:48] Simone Milasas: it’s interesting because when my father died, even though I refused money from him for so many years and all of this, and we did have a fabulous relationship, I remember being so upset and I was in the shower and bawling my [00:10:00] eyes out in my head.

[00:10:01] I was going, who’s going to look after me now. And then I went, hang on a second. He hasn’t looked off to me for you. So, what I did realize was he was my safety net, even though I was never willing to admit it. So he was always there and he used to say to me, Simone, this is your life. You need to go and live it.

[00:10:18] And he’d say, you’re so wild. It’s a pray for you at church on Sunday. And he’d go, go live your life. I’m here for you. Those somewhere, he did create that energy of having a safety net, which I’m really grateful

[00:10:30] Bob Wheeler: for. Yeah. That’s awesome. Now, when you talk about, you had a shift of mindset, right? You shifted your point of view around money.

[00:10:41] Did you just wake up on Wednesday and you completely just changed your mind on Wednesday and everything got better on Thursday.

[00:10:47] Simone Milasas: It was a very auspicious moment at one minute past eight. No, I’m kidding.

[00:10:52] Bob Wheeler: Well, yeah, I think that’s what people think sometimes. Right? I just, I changed my point of view and it like happened instantly.

[00:10:58] It’s sort of

[00:10:59] Simone Milasas: [00:11:00] true. Like I was, um, I started working with this company called access consciousness, which I’ve been working with now for 21 years, because, and all these, like, you know, weird tools that access consciousness was talking about about how to live your life and change things that aren’t working for you.

[00:11:15] I was like, oh my God, this is what I know is possible in the world. So I was using all of these tools and they were working and it was great. And I even the two guys that actually have from the U S Gary Douglas and Dr. Dan here. I invited them out to do a seminar and it was called, money’s not the problem you are due.

[00:11:33] I’m sitting in this seminar, I’ve organized it all. I’ve done the whole setup of it. And I’m sitting in the audience and they start talking about using these tools to change your financial reality. And I’m going literally in my head, I’m going, oh, here we go again. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. You know, and then I went, hang on a moment.

[00:11:51] It was, we had the tool of access that I’ve used his work, but I am refusing to use these tools with. So I actually didn’t tell anyone, which is [00:12:00] interesting. Cause I remember at one time I gave up smoking cigarettes and no one was supporting. And the only time I gave up smoking cigarettes was when I went cold Turkey.

[00:12:09] And I didn’t tell anyone. So I did the same thing with money. I went, I’m going to choose some of these tools and use them. I’m not going to tell anyone and I’m going to save something changes. There was a bit of an auspicious weekend at that seminar that I stopped resisting. What was available to me. And I started using that and truthfully, within about two, three weeks, there was something that started changing my financial reality and I was about 197,000 Australian dollars in debt.

[00:12:36] And it took me two years to get out of debt. Wow.

[00:12:39] Bob Wheeler: That’s super cool. So I want to go back to. It’s been true for me too as well is I don’t always share my goals with people. I keep it close to the vest because sometimes people will come out and beat it up so badly that I don’t even recognize it. Any. But I do think there’s some truth in protecting when we set [00:13:00] out goals or at least choosing the people we share it with.

[00:13:03] Would you agree? Yeah,

[00:13:05] Simone Milasas: I do. And unfortunately I think it’s mostly family and friends that do munch it all up. And what I’ve discovered is. When you’re truly choosing something greater. And when you are asking for something greater and asking for something more than what everybody else has, it makes people so uncomfortable and people don’t like to be uncomfortable.

[00:13:25] They’ve already put you in some box, you know, your Simone that does X, Y, Z, it’s like you have a problem with money or you have this, or you have that. And then when you choose something different, they’re like what? It’s like, it’s usually so confronting to them. Yeah, this is what I’ve found over the years in regards to everything it’s like, then they have to try and dismiss what you are creating, the greatness that you are creating based on.

[00:13:51] They have to look at themselves. So it’s, and it’s rare to find some people that you can confide in like that. And I know it sounds really awful, but what if it [00:14:00] wasn’t, what if you were just smarter and you just, you weren’t trying to prove anything with what you’re sharing, you just chose, and then you became.

[00:14:06] And inspiration and an invitation, which I get is what I have become. And I think that’s what you’ve become to Bob. So if you just look at it in a little different

[00:14:15] way.

[00:14:15] Bob Wheeler: Yeah. And because I do, and you talk about this, that people are unconsciously comfortable, whether it’s debt or whether it’s staying small or whether it’s not taking risks.

[00:14:26] And we get comfortable with that. And when somebody steps up and steps out and gives voice to something bigger, it can be terrible.

[00:14:36] Simone Milasas: Yeah. And look, the comforting is something I really discovered because when I realized, when I finally sat down in my office and I went, okay, Simone, you have to look at this.

[00:14:45] And when I did, I sat there and I calculated everything, you know, and worked out that I was $187,000 in debt. And then I used, started using all these tools and then duh, fast fast-forward one day I’m sitting in my office and I realized I had money [00:15:00] and I was no longer in debt. And to be honest, I sat there and.

[00:15:04] This is it. And I was like, this is not very exciting. Like where’s the fireworks, you know, where’s the marching band, where’s the congratulations, the champagne popping. And what I did discover was two weeks later, I realized I had created myself to be back. So I was smart enough to look at that and go, okay, hang on.

[00:15:22] Whoa, easy tiger. What’s happening here? What are you creating? And I asked myself, what do you love about being in debt? And I realized, I knew it. I was really comfortable in it. I knew how to just get by. I knew how to make enough money to pay the bills. I knew all of that. I had no idea what it would be like to actually have.

[00:15:41] And then I made the demand of myself. Come on. What if you actually started discover what it’s like to have money and have excess because me, like so many others I’d have money and I’d be like, where’s it going to go? Who can I give it to? What bills would I have to pay rather than just having it? Do

[00:15:56] Bob Wheeler: you find, and there’s maybe listeners out there that can [00:16:00] relate to this.

[00:16:00] Is there, or was there a comfort level? Just not being overdrawn or 500 bucks in the bank. And then if it got above that, you got to get it back down to the comfortable bank level. Yeah.

[00:16:14] Simone Milasas: Look, I would say there is. And again, that’s where you have to make your own demand and make your own choices because I started making these little choices for myself going well, what would it be like?

[00:16:24] Just to have a hundred thousand dollars in my checking? Yeah. And just have it there, like, you know, not have it been vested in something I think just to have it. So I made these demands that I had a different scenario with money, and I think that’s what you have to look at because so many people look around and use everybody else as a reference point.

[00:16:40] Well, you know, I’ll give you a big hint, breaking news, everyone looking at everyone else about money is not actually a great idea. It’s like, what do you know about it? And start looking at that and making your own demands of what it is that you would like to have, but also not killing yourself over it.

[00:16:55] One of the things that so many people say is, oh, when I have this amount of money, I’ll be happy. And it doesn’t work [00:17:00] like that. It’s like, if you wake up and you choose happy and you choose, hence why I wrote the book, joy of business and you choose what is joyful for you, then money has this way of showing up.

[00:17:11] It’s not, you know, don’t calculate it. It starts to show up in a really different way.

[00:17:16] Bob Wheeler: Yeah. And I want to ask you if you come across this. So I step in and I let the money come. Now I’ve got money. People might judge me. Now people are going to ask me for money. I might have to say no. People might be my friends now because I have money or my accomplishments, not because of who I am as a.

[00:17:37] There’s going to be all of this stuff. That’s going to come at me and now I’m going to actually have to stand in all of that. And that’s really uncomfortable. What do you say to people that, you know, there’s going to be impact? When I actually allow success to come into my life. Everything

[00:17:53] Simone Milasas: you said is true.

[00:17:54] And it’s like, that’s I think the section that so many people look at is what am I going to do when [00:18:00] people, you know, I don’t know if they’re hanging around me because of my money or because of me it’s, uh, you know, or et cetera. But this another piece I would like everyone to have a look at is what if having money is a way that you can change people’s lives?

[00:18:13] That is the pace. I really, really enjoy. Look on this side there’s lines that you can use it there. Like, you know what I would so love to help you out, but I’ve just invested in something really huge. Why don’t you come back and ask me in a year and see if that’s there, you know, whatever it’s like, just because you have money doesn’t mean that you have to give it to people, but in the last couple of years, especially with things that are going on around the world, I’m really grateful to have money because I have been able to help some people out in different countries and different places.

[00:18:40] That was my choice to gift their money and change their lives. And to me, that is part of the joy of having money is that you can change someone’s life. So I think this piece here is like the old storyline that people use as a justification for not having it because they want to be seen as them. Now what you’re going to know, [00:19:00] if you’re smart enough to know if someone hanging out with you for your money or someone hanging out with you, because they think you’re a really cool person, you know,

[00:19:07] Bob Wheeler: for me and what I work on and workshops with people and one-on-one is learning to have difficult conversations.

[00:19:13] I don’t think we have been trained. And I think many of us are not skilled at learning to have that conversation of I’d love to help you out. Today’s not the day. Oh, let me just give it to you. Right. And we don’t learn to tolerate the uncomfortableness of setting strong boundaries or advocating for ourselves and having people say, well, you’re so greedy because you’re only thinking about yourself.

[00:19:37] Whereas actually, by looking out for myself, actually I can help everybody else on the post.

[00:19:43] Simone Milasas: Yes. And I sort of want to reiterate this thing too. Just please  is what I would say, because I was so good at giving it away. You don’t have to give it away, but you can like be generous or do whatever you need to do.

[00:19:57] Like, I mean, recently it’s like my cleaner was going to get kicked out of [00:20:00] her house, et cetera. So I paid $4,000 for her to be able to pay two months rent. It’s crazy in Australia right now, because everyone wants to move to Queensland because of, you know, anyway, blah, blah, blah, and sanity. But exactly because of the time zone, but everyone’s like getting houses like sight unseen and the rents are rising up.

[00:20:21] So it’s really hard for a lot of people to actually stay where they’re staying. And they’re saying, we want you to pay six months out if you’re doing this. The fact that I could just go and help her do that was it made my life easy. It made her life easier. And you know, that’s just one story. And I liked that.

[00:20:36] I am able to choose that, but you don’t have to as well, because I do see a lot of people trying to give away money. And you’re correct. I think you need to talk about the elephant in the room. August, 2020, we opened up a shop in the local village called antiques and possibilities. Um, it’s another business.

[00:20:52] I have antique shop. And yesterday, I was just talking, saying, you know what, maybe if we should put a sign in the window saying it’s not a [00:21:00] museum, it’s a shop, you know, cash or card because people walk in and go, oh my God, this is beautiful. You know? And you’re like, I’m really happy that you think it’s beautiful, but do you want to buy something?

[00:21:08] You know? And I said, let’s make a joke of paying for stuff like buying something, but people don’t, they don’t want to talk about money. And it’s like, well, what if we did start talking about money? What if it wasn’t, we didn’t make it so significant and meaningful?

[00:21:22] Bob Wheeler: Absolutely. So Simone, I want to go back to that piece again about learning to have money.

[00:21:27] I think this is so simple. Clients have come to me and said, Hey, I just inherited 300,000 bucks, or I just got this windfall. And I’ve actually asked people to just actually leave it in their bank account for four weeks, because they’ll say, now I can pay off that debt thing. And now I’m going to pay off the car and I’m going to do, and I say, what if you just let it sit there for four weeks or six weeks?

[00:21:48] And just pay your minimums, do your things, but don’t reaffirm the habit of pay off all the debt as soon as the money comes in, because then we never get to enjoy it. And it’s amazing how many people are incredibly [00:22:00] uncomfortable with letting a hundred or $200,000 sit in their bank for four weeks.

[00:22:05] Simone Milasas: Yeah.

[00:22:06] Well, can I tell you really quickly? One of the tools that I use that actually changed my financial reality is every single cent that comes in putting away 10% to honor. So you earn a dollar, you put 10 cents away, that’s for you. And I hated this tool. Honestly, I did. I resisted it so much. I was like, this is stupid.

[00:22:26] This is dumb. I owe these people money. And one of these tools that going in Dane, you know, from access consciousness were giving me is to put 10% away and I hated it, but I also knew that I had to start doing something different because I wasn’t getting anywhere with what I was choosing. So I thought, okay, let’s do this for three months and see what happens.

[00:22:44] So the three months. Every a hundred dollars, I’d put $10 away. And it’s an honoring account for you that you don’t spend. You don’t save for rainy day. You don’t, you know, pay that surprise bill that comes in. It’s just yours. So after three months I noticed that it [00:23:00] wasn’t like I had a huge amount of money, but I had a different point of view around my.

[00:23:04] Because I actually had money and I noticed energetically that things changed. So I have not spent that 10% except on anything that has, I would say like intrinsic value, like I’ve bought gold, I’ve bought silver, I’ve bought platinum, I’ve bought some diamonds and poles, which is really fun to wear your 10%, you know, around your neck sort of thing.

[00:23:20] Yeah. So, but that having that 10%, that honor account, because then you start to look at the honor account first before the bills. And I think that’s a really cool. Yeah. And I

[00:23:29] Bob Wheeler: want to talk about this a little bit more because I’ve been having this conversation with different people about pay yourself first, do the 10%, and it can be confusing if you’re in this world of money where you already have some resistance.

[00:23:41] And so some people might be thinking, oh, cool. I’ll put that into my overdraft account. That will cover my overdrafts. It’s not that. And it’s also not really just part of your regular investment portfolio. If you’re setting aside money for investments, that is not. And it doesn’t mean you can never spend it.

[00:23:59] [00:24:00] You have to die with it because then people are like, well, if I never get to spend it, then how am I honoring myself? If I never get to spend it? Can you say a little bit more, because I feel like this is such an important piece. So

[00:24:12] Simone Milasas: it really is. And thanks. I haven’t actually looked at the death part. Mine just keeps accumulating.

[00:24:18] There’s a set amount of money that I think everyone needs to have in a bank account like that, where they can breathe. And for me, I remember at first, when I got to $30,000, I was like, okay, I can breathe. And then it was like when I had a hundred thousand and that was. Okay, this is a different energy and you choose different.

[00:24:36] Like that’s the thing I noticed and you can’t fathom that until you’re there and everyone is different. And as the money grows and expands, What I want to say is the projections that you get from people you need to just be an interesting point of view. Like it’s like they have that point of view that doesn’t have to be yours banks, accountants, mortgage brokers, all of them.

[00:24:56] Think you are insane for just having this bank account [00:25:00] that has this money just sitting in there. Like it’s not an offset account. It’s not. All these different things that they’re like, I will advise you if this and I keep going. Nope, Nope, Nope, Nope, Nope. I’m not using it. I have noticed that banks are more willing to give me money based on I have this like little tidy, you know, section here.

[00:25:18] So I used that to my advantage, but you have to make these choices again, like for yourself and keep choosing that and not choose based on everybody. Else’s projections and expectations of what you should be doing with it. I would say the amount of money that I. Created based on having this 10% account is much larger than what I would have if I hadn’t.

[00:25:40] And I’ve never thought about the death thing, I’m like, well, my niece will be through, we’ll be happy. Yeah. It’s sort of become not relevant to me because I’ve created wealth and all these different areas that it’s like, this is literally this honeypot that is an honoring of me, which I [00:26:00] had never done before.

[00:26:01] Bob Wheeler: Do you come across people with imposter syndrome with like, I don’t deserve all this money or I don’t, I’ve shared the story about myself. I will sometimes be working on a client stuff and I’m like, oh, that’s nice. I’ve got two rental properties. Oh, they’re making this much in revenue from their. Gosh, I wish I could do that.

[00:26:20] And then I stopped from it and go, oh my God, you’re so stupid. I have those things. Like I have that revenue. I’ve had those properties and in my mind I just count them for me, but I look at other people like, oh wow, that’s so amazing. And then for myself, even if when I run a personal balance sheet on myself, I’m like, oh, that’s actually pretty good.

[00:26:40] But in my mind, I still sometimes come from, oh, I hope one day, instead of, you know what, life’s not bad. Get over it. You come across that. Or is it just me?

[00:26:53] Simone Milasas: Okay. I think that most people, to be honest, if people are really like brutally honest with themselves, most people don’t [00:27:00] create the money. Like you think you do, you say you do, but you don’t.

[00:27:04] It’s like I don’t wake up in the morning and go, right. What am I working on today? That’s going to bring money in. Everything I do is because I freaking love it. I love what I be in the world. And when I can choose in the world and how I reached so many people around the world, You know, if facilitate a seminar and I’m not going counting the money, I’m like, wow, people’s lives changed your life.

[00:27:23] That that’s what I’m doing is full. So I think we don’t calculate the money that we have the way we think we should. Right. And if it’s just there and then you, yeah. You know, it’s like, it’s such a. It’s such a mind screw up money. It’s like people and everyone I say that makes it so significant and means something all they’re doing is like pushing it away.

[00:27:44] Like one of the things I talk about too, is like, if you are making money means something more than you, then it will always control you. I mean, you can put that in relationships as well. If you’re putting your partner as someone who. You know, it’s more significant than you, then they will be able to control you.

[00:27:59] [00:28:00] So are you letting money or anyone control you? And what if today was the day at this moment that you stopped and went, okay. You know what? I’m great. How I am and money is not relevant and I’m going to receive more like

[00:28:12] Bob Wheeler: let’s play. I think that’s so important. I think it is important that we love what we do.

[00:28:16] When I started the podcast. I wrote the book, started doing workshops, my whole mission. What’s to start conversations about money. Now, a business coach would say not a real good business model. Bob, it’s supposed to be, what’s going to be the profit. What’s going to be the funnel. And it’s like, no, I just really want to have conversations around money and emotions and all the unconscious choices that we make, because I realize how much that impact in my life.

[00:28:43] And I see it in my class. Some people would look and say, no, no, no, you got to figure out, you got to make that turn into $25,000 or you’ve got to exponentially do this and that. And for me, I love what I do in all that. You know, even the accountant, I used to tell people, look, I probably do this stuff for free.

[00:28:58] If I didn’t have all my staff [00:29:00] asking for paychecks at the end of the week, I just do it.

[00:29:03] Simone Milasas: I read that USCPA as well. Yeah. Diversity there.

[00:29:09] Bob Wheeler: Well, you know, I got a little left and right brain now going on at the same time,

[00:29:13] Simone Milasas: CPA. I don’t usually go together. My friend, not a lot

[00:29:17] Bob Wheeler: of, probably one of the few other CPAs out there.

[00:29:21] Right. Follow your passion, but consciously and proactively follow your passion so that you’re not caught in a situation where you can’t take care of yourself. Yeah.

[00:29:34] Simone Milasas: And look, I said, let this whole journey be an adventure. I mean, I see, I often talk about, I’ve made so many bad choices. Like I’ve made more bad choices than people have actually chosen, like stop sitting in your lounge room, thinking and wishing what it is you do.

[00:29:51] Like I say there’s two different people. One who wakes up in the morning and goes, oh, I wish I had a million dollars. And the second one who wakes up and goes, right. Okay, what action can I [00:30:00] take that will create this, but not having that be this pinnacle. It’s like you, you, as a being on this planet is the greatness.

[00:30:08] Like that’s the adventure we have. If you keep choosing that, then life is going to get greater and greater and greater. It’s like, I mean, you talk about death before it’s like on your death bed. You’re not going to be like, I made X amount of money. It’s like, did you have a good time? Like, you know,

[00:30:21] Bob Wheeler: you gotta have a good time.

[00:30:23] Yeah. Yeah. For me, that’s my check-in point. Am I having a good time? Is it fun? I’m not always going to be happy, but am I having fun? And most of the time, fortunately for me, I can say that I am, so yeah, we’re not going to take it with us. Nobody’s figured that out yet. Somebody, if they do, it’s gonna make a fortune.

[00:30:41] Yeah. Well, Simone, we’re at our fast five, which is brought to you by cube money. It’s a cash envelope system made easy, real time financial awareness without the hassle of tracking expenses and carrying cash. So we’re just going to shift the energy. And I’m going to ask you some top of mind questions and I know you’ll play along.

[00:30:59] So here, we’re going to [00:31:00] start. If you could ask your indoor plant one thing, what would.

[00:31:05] Simone Milasas: Oh, what do you need from me today? Always every day. Now you tell me

[00:31:14] Bob Wheeler: some good soil. What’s your financial superhero, power,

[00:31:18] Simone Milasas: diversity and choice. When is credit card debt. Okay. When you’re okay with it and you’re not judging it, and you’re not, you are the only one that knows when it’s getting out of hand, use it to your advantage.

[00:31:29] Bob Wheeler: What’s a deal breaker.

[00:31:31] Simone Milasas: Them being, uh, them judging me. What

[00:31:35] Bob Wheeler: is one thing you prefer to not live without

[00:31:38] Simone Milasas: space? Like my alone time.

[00:31:44] Bob Wheeler: That’s an important piece. That’s an important component having space. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I love that. I love that. We’re at our M moment, our sweet spot. And I’m wondering if you have a practical financial tip or a piece of wealth wisdom you could offer.[00:32:00]

[00:32:00] Simone Milasas: Yeah, don’t judge, like don’t wake up with that litany of judgment about the money that you don’t have, all the money that you do have commanded judgment. If you come out of judgment, there’s so much more that you can receive.

[00:32:12] Bob Wheeler: Absolutely. Well, somehow this has been such a great conversation and I hope that people will do their research and go grab your books, take a workshop, listen to your podcasts.

[00:32:22] That judgment piece is so important, like letting go of the judgment and really being curious. And what I’ve really heard from you is. It’s just that, so that if somebody’s coming at you with a point of view and so, wow, that’s interesting. That’s their point of view. That’s not necessarily my point of view.

[00:32:38] So it sounds like there’s a bit of a welcoming curiosity and not really looking and going wrong, wrong, wrong. And I don’t hear a lot of blame even in like the story of growing up or when your dad left the money to your brother. It’s not like evil it’s oh, I get it. And then there’s still that love and appreciation for the parents, [00:33:00] even though maybe your mom and you didn’t like a lineup, always perfectly.

[00:33:04] I’m still just hearing this place of, you know, I’m doing my own thing and I’m not taking anybody else down for the way my life has turned out.

[00:33:14] Simone Milasas: Yeah. Look, I think every single thing that shows up in your life, you gain awareness from it. I mean, you know, I wrote my book getting out of debt, joyfully based on being in debt.

[00:33:23] And I have come across that. You know people, and you said at point of view, it’s like some people have $10 in their bank account. And some people have 10,000 or 10 million. They had the same stuff that shows up because it’s their point of view that limits them. So it’s not money that makes you greater.

[00:33:40] It’s not money that makes you less, it’s your point of view. So if you can have a look at that and change that. And like I said before, you get to wake up happy as like, then you can create something entirely different.

[00:33:51] Bob Wheeler: Absolutely. Simone, where can people find you online and on the internet? Your books, your podcast.

[00:33:58] Simone Milasas: Well, I’ve got a good name to Google [00:34:00] because so far I’ve never discovered another Simone. Melissa’s sorry. If you look at Simone, Melissa’s M I L a S a S and that’s my Instagram handle my website. You can find me on access, consciousness.com. The books, joy. Getting out of debt joyfully. And the third one I actually wrote was called relationship.

[00:34:19] Are you sure you want one? That’s a whole other story, right? That with my ex you know,

[00:34:26] Bob Wheeler: there’s a whole podcast there. Yes, there is. Well, Simone and has been so awesome. I so appreciate you getting up early to chat with us today. Yes. So welcome. It’s just been awesome. I love what you’re doing out there.

[00:34:39] Please keep sharing the message. I was going to say preaching to the choir cause that I’m the choir I’m like, tell me, tell me, tell me. Amen. Amen. So great stuff that you’re doing and thanks again for spending some time with us today.

[00:34:50] Simone Milasas: Well, thank you so much for having me, Bob, and I want to say the same to you.

[00:34:54] Thank you for everything that you’re contributing in the world to life. Thank you for being you. That’s the key here. We all be that it’s [00:35:00] like different worlds. So thank you. It’s been an absolutely. Absolutely.

[00:35:10] Bob Wheeler: We hope you enjoyed this episode. Did you learn something new about your relationship to money today? Maybe you have a friend who has some financial blocks or beliefs that are holding them back. Please share this podcast. So they too can get off the roller coaster ride a financial. And journey towards financial freedom to learn how to have a healthy relationship with money, visit the money nerve.com.

[00:35:32] That’s nerve not nerd. We’ll be back next week with another perspective on money and the emotions that bind us. .

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